So it's official, I have a chest infection. Hurrah! (Not) I went to the doctors on Friday as my cold/flu/ill thingy was beginning to interfere with my asthma - and breathing is
so important when running around after an exploring seven month old Bubbah - and I was promptly diagnosed with said infection. I'm now on a round of amoxicillin which is helping a bit but I still feel a bit rubbish.
Also, on top of that, Bubbah has come down with a cough. Unfortunately not much can be done about it except a bit of apple flavoured cough syrup for babies (it smells amazing, like a sour apple sweet) which actually seems to be improving matters. It certainly is a welcome change not to be dashing into his room at 3am because his coughing sounds like he's choking. I'm sure any mummy readers will appreciate how horrendous that would seem at such an hour when you're brain is foggy with sleep!
Partly due to being ill, and partly due to the weather, I've been reaching for warm, comfy clothes. Yes, my summer dresses and skirts have officially been put away into the spare wardrobe in Bubbah's room. I needed new winter clothes as last year it was all maternity bits.
Which is where I hit a bit of a conundrum.
I'm a mum, yes, so clothes need to be practical, but I'm also young. I'm only 21 so didn't want to be looking fuddy-duddy. Heck I did fashion journalism and was fashion editor on my university online magazine. I needed a fashionable yet functional wardrobe for winter. I like to have a bit of quirk with my outfits somehow, and accessories are out as Bubbah still puts
everything in his mouth.
So, I headed out on the high street after a mega online browse and begun my mummy wardrobe make over. My new wardrobe consists of:
- Numerous pairs of coloured jeans (green, purple, blue, pink, teal, black)
- Some basic vests that I already had
- Cardigans from many moons ago
- Some jumper dresses including this one from Asos curve;
I bought an Asos jumper dress last year while I was at uni and it was pretty much this in yellow with black cuffs and a thick black stripe in the hem. It also had a higher neckline which often felt a bit uncomfortable, which is something I was pleased to see was different on this one.This one also zips up on the back, but it isn't really needed. It's a good length so I can get away with wearing it with tights as well as leggings.
- A gorgeous winter coat from Next (last year's needed replacing as it was about three sizes too big) which should last me a good few years
- A few print t-shirts which I risked from Asos. I'm not normally confident regarding fit with Asos as I've found in the past their sizes come up a bit small. However, this time around they fitted and I could have actually gone down a size(!)

This first one I picked because it was adorable and I couldn't resist. It's a t-shirt with a koala bear hugging you from behind, what's not to love?!
I also bought this one as I loved the print and I love deer. It is a bit sheer so you have to watch what you wear underneath it but they're both so comfortable it kind of overrides that fact.
Finally, I bought a new pair of winter boots from good old Tesco in a Chelsea boot style. I was reluctant to buy new boots but had to face up to the need when our local cobbler (aka the key cutting man) informed me my beautiful vintage boots I'd have for nearly two years had been worn to death and couldn't be saved because the toe was gone (apparently it's the only bit that can't be re patched.) It took my ages, because I'm very picky about my shoes and I finally came across my Tesco boots when I'd popped in to buy Bubbah some PJs. They (the boots, not Bubbah's PJs) are mega comfy and fit really well. They're also waterproof and haven't fallen apart which is a bonus as that's always been an issue with high street boots in the past. I might actually buy a second pair of these as insurance.
Phew! It didn't seem like that much when I look at it all hanging up!