To cheer myself up I treated myself to some Next homeware (guilt pleasure, and Next does such lovely stuff) to a MASSIVE mug for my hot chocolates (no other hot drinks need apply)
I love yellow and it never fails to give me a burst of happiness. That coupled with the cute bird design and "hello sunshine" writing (I call Bubbah sunshine when he wakes up so I felt it appropriate for a mug to wake me up with a similar message) made me crave to own this mug.
The last week our meal plan has gone pretty well. The mince I bought I ended up making a massive batch of spag bol with as it was easier and I fancied it over rissoles I even managed to wangle a roast dinner for myself and Bubbah at my mum's on Saturday, cooked by my sister in law as my brother and co. were visiting. Bubbah is fascinated by his cousins and will just stand there staring at them for ages in silence before suddenly emitting an ear piercing scream of excitement!
I have also spent this week introducing the concept of a fork to Bubbah, which he seems to have taken to quite quickly. I managed to get a Mr Happy set of cutlery for him to experiment with.
This week our meal plan is partly made up of regular meals and the reappearance of a few old favourites! In a spate of being organised I bought a specific meal planning/shopping list note book after getting tired of writing lists on random note pads we have lying around and then losing them and ending up with about five copies of the same list!
Our meal plan this week:
- Cheesy chicken pasta. An oldy but a goodie with lots of extra veg (peas, mushrooms and sweetcorn normally, but I am debating about adding carrots)
- Steak casserole for me; veg soup for hubby who will be on a fast day
- Home made pizza
- Quiche (Lorraine for me, spinach and tomato for hubby) although hubby will have his for lunch and have veg soup for his second fast day.
- Rissotto - I'm thinking mushroom made with veg stock but I could easily change my mind!
- Freezer meal - mac n cheese for hubby and either a spag bol/lamb casserole for me
And that's our meal plan this week! As always, I'm linked up to Mrs M so pop on over there to see what everyone else is up to this week.