Monday, 14 May 2012

Meal Planning Monday, 14 May 2012

Monday - Turkey pasta bake with mushrooms and some veg using a honey and mustard sauce I found in the cupboard the other day. This will also have cheese and breadcrumbs on top to cater to the other half'
Tuesday - Mushroom burgers with home made chips and veg
Wednesday - Jacket potatoes with beans/spaghetti
Thursday - Veggie crumble for him, home made quiche Lorraine and potato salad for me
Friday - Toad in the hole with mash/home made chips and veg
Saturday - Stuffed peppers for him and spaghetti carbonara for me

His lunches will consist of:
M; Tomato & cucumber sandwich with a banana, nuts and yoghurt
T; leftover pasta bake with a banana
W; Cheese & tomato sandwich with banana and cucumber slices
TH; Cheese & cucumber sandwich with banana and cherry tomatoes
F; a few slices of quiche, banana and some cucumber slices

It's also my mum's birthday this week so I'm making her a lemon cake for a treat.


  1. I think your very good cooking two lots of food - one for you and one for him.

    I try and get the kids to eat what we eat these days unless one or the others of us are out!


    Popping over from Mrs M's Meal Planning Monday HOP

    1. It's only usually two meals because my other half has PKU, meaning he has to have less meat than me so I don't really mind :)
