It's Monday again! This lovely, sunny weekend seems to have gone
far too quickly for my liking. We took bubbah swimming for the first timeon Saturday at our local pool. He was a bit unsure at first but afterwards seemed to enjoy it. Hopefully I'll be able to take him again next week, now the first trip has been done and I'm feeling a bit more confident he won't drown or something (hi, my name's neurotic mum).
Bubbah's pirate swim suit |
Last week's meal plan basically got scrapped as OH came back from his parents on Sunday and announced he was doing alternate fasting (like that programme from Channel 4 a few weeks back about fasting a little and all the health benefits, I can't remember the name of it but if you know what I'm going on about leave a comment so I can edit it in!) While it's been great in terms of his health; he's lost a bit of weight already, his general health has improved and his appetite is smaller, it threw me a bit of a curve ball and rendered my meal plan useless!
Add that to the viral infection bubbah had at the beginning on the week and my cold mid-week, I simply couldn't be bothered to cook much and I'm pretty sure I had bbq pork noodles three days this week (yummy but still, whoops). I did manage the mac n cheese, we had home made sausage and mushroom pizza on Friday as normal and jackets Saturday night (cheese for me, coleslaw for him) as it was far too hot for anything more than that.
This week, I'm more prepared! OH fasts Tuesday and Thursday so those will be lovely me days for food he doesn't like ;)
So, we will be having...
-Fajitas (these fell by the wayside last week but I'm determined to have them this week)
-Home made pizza (sausage, maybe some bacon, onion and mushroom. Possibly sweetcorn if I can be bothered with it. Seasoned with bbq and oregano)
-Cheesy mushroom pasta
-Veggie crumble for him, cheesy chicken and bacon with curly fries
-Tuna bolognaise on one of OH's fast days (as I can pre-cook in the day and re-heat when I'm hungry/when bubbah is settled)
-Jacket on OH's other fast day as again, quick and easy if done in the microwave. Probably have cheese with this, maybe some sausages from the freezer.
Lunches for OH on normal days;
-Mini pitta pizzas
-Fruit (banana/blueberries/strawberries)
My lunches will be mini pitta pizzas/pasta/mini pancakes/curly fries dependant on what I fancy and what I can be bothered to do/have.
We're trying to clear some freezer space and use up my mass of home made purées for bubbah so he'll be having those for his lunch/tea. It'll be a bit pot luck but here's some of what is in the freezer;
-Broccoli and cauliflower cheese
-Pork, mushrooms, carrots, peas, sweetcorn and gravy
-Lamb, carrots and mushrooms with gravy
-Peach pudding
-Rice pudding with mixed berries
-Pea, potato and carrot
-Sweet potato (possible, although I may have used this all up last week)
-Apple and pear
He'll also be having yoghurt for lunch and tea. Although I may mix it up and give him banana or pitta bread with cream cheese so he's not overwhelmed by purée central.
As always, I'm linked up to
At Home With Mrs M so feel free to have a nosy at everyone else's meal plans.
Finally, before you go; a funny picture for you all. I was taking pictures of bubbah and got one which never fails to make me laugh. OH and I like to call it his photo bomb pic (where someone jumps in the picture at the last minute pulling a silly face)