Sunday, 12 August 2012

Meal Planning Monday; 13 August 2012

Happy Monday! Last week's meal plan went pretty well, although three of my meals didn't happen as I bought some pork mince on a whim and that lasted me for three days!

Bubbah certainly enjoyed his food this week, upgrading to lumpier food including toast (after leaning forward and trying to eat mine earlier in the week) and a massive upgrade of tuna pasta salad - courtesy of my local sure start lunch club. I'm planning on making the pasta salad myself this week and will be posting the recipe up on here at some point. As you can see below, he certainly still enjoys his food;

I'm beginning to think he has hollow legs! That or all the backwards crawling he does works up an appetite. He seems to be making our small table his favourite spot to crawl to as he keeps ending up there;

Anyway, on with the real reason for this post...this week's meal plan. A couple of repeats (to use up sauces and tortillas) while some of last week's missed meals are moved to this week.

  • Quiche (Lorraine for me, tomato for OH)
  • Fajitas
  • Tuna pasta salad for me, sausage stew for him
  • Pizza
  • Jackets
  • Pigs in blankets

OH is having salad and fruit for lunches. Mine will be a mix of crumpets, pasta, leftover quiche and sandwiches. 

Bubbah has got a big ol' batch of rice pudding to work through this week as well as toast, veg and fruit purées, yoghurt, porridge and bananas. 

As always, I've linked up to Mrs M's meal planning post so head on over and have a looksie!


  1. Yummy, some of my fav meals! What will you have with your jackets? x

    1. To be honest jackets are my lazy option so I'll have cream cheese and bbq sauce and OH will have cheese and sour cream x
