Sunday, 3 February 2013

Meal Planning Monday; 4th February 2012

Happy Monday everyone! Hopefully we're back to normal weather everywhere now, although we certainly had some extremely windy days that had me chasing our recycling bins all over the place (and one neighbour kindly returning one back for me from halfway down the road).

Last week's meal plan pretty much went to pot! No real reason why, it was just one of those weeks I guess! I think I had fish pie one day while hubby sampled my Polish cooking from my cooking class, we had mac n cheese (and I had it again at a later date), hubby skipped dinner altogether one night and we had sausages and chips another. Pizza was about the only meal that stuck!

Bubbah's teeth are finally starting to show up in pictures and to celebrate tooth number six finally breaking through after three weeks of painful teething Bubbah decided to stay up until midnight walking all over the place (like an old school Thunder Bird puppet) and growling (his new thing) as he did so.

But I'm not ready to go to bed yet mum!
This week I'm hoping to get us back on the meal planning road as I've noticed we tend to overspend and overeat when we don't...oops!

So, without further ado, this week's meals are:

  • mac n cheese
  • home made pizza and garlic bread
  • hunters chicken
  • freezer meal for hubby, leftover hunters chicken for me
  • veg soup for hubby, lasagne for me (if I can be bothered to make it)
  • Italian offerings from my cooking class (something to do with salmon apparently)
I'll also be baking this week as I missed doing it last week and really noticed the difference (aka I went and bought lots of cake because I hadn't made any) plus I think I'll want something comforting after my granddad's funeral on Thursday.

As always I shall be linked up to Mrs M so pop on over there and see what everyone else is cooking up!


  1. Sorry to hear you have a funeral to attend :(
    Great however to hear teeth have finally come through, despite the late night!

    Hunters chicken is a fav here - yum x

  2. I had to chase my recycling bin down this morning...Tis a bit windy out
    So sorry for your loss :(
    Great meals planned!!

  3. I am just listening to something being blown along the road, it has been windy for a good few days. Cake for after the funeral sounds like a good idea, sweet things are a good pick me up.

  4. I love the sound of hunters chicken - I'm going to steal it for next week!


  5. Hunters chicken sounds interesting.

    I'd love to do a cooking course it sounds fun

  6. LOL Thunderbird puppet!!! He's such a cutie. I'd love to do a cooking course but they are always so pricey. Lovely meals - I like to see mac and cheese on there but have been put off it a bit by Good Food - their recipe for it in this month's issue has 1100 calories per portion!!!!!

    1. I know, I couldn't believe it when I saw the recipe! I think it's because they're adding bacon, bread (well croutons but still) and using two lots of cheese. Mine is quite simply cheese sauce and the pasta, sometimes bulked out with veg like peas and sweetcorn so hopefully mine isn't that much!

    2. That sounds more reasonable! Mac and cheese is one of my favourites but I just couldn't bring myself to make that one!!!!!

  7. Your cooking course sounds interesting. So Do you do a different country each week?

    I was once told how to make polish vodka on a building site. I think I need to find a real course as it was brewed (?) In an old oil Drum. I'm not sure if the bricklayers are still alive!! It sounded deadly!!
