Monday, 8 April 2013

Meal Planning Monday; 8th April 2013

Ooops! I completely forgot to link up last week's meal plan to Mrs M but I promise you I kept to it, more or less!

It's been somewhat uneventful here, I've been hibernating as school holiday business drives me insane and makes me loathe to leave the house any more than necessary. Bubbah had a play date mid-week and that's been pretty much it. Oh, except Saturday where we went into Welwyn Garden and visited the market that was on there. We also had lunch at Ask where Bubbah quite happily acquainted himself with spaghetti carbonara...

Clearly it doesn't take much to impress me because one visit to the fruit and veg stall later and I was enthusing to my bemused husband about how amazing it was. To be fair, I got a huge punnet (400g) of strawberries, a punnet of raspberries, grapes and 100g of mushrooms for £4. Please tell me I'm not the only one impressed with that! To compare; 400g of strawberries from a supermarket is usually between £2 and £4 depending on brand/offers.

This week is quite plan light as well, although Bubbah has a doctor's appointment this afternoon courtesy of a horrid cough (think smoker's cough for example of the noise) that's stubbornly refusing to shift itself and keeping him (and me!) up all night.

Our meal plan is full of big cooks that will fill up the freezer quite happily...

  • veg lasagne for hubby (who insisted that I make it again after having it last week)
  • Quiche lorraine for me after picking up some really good quality bacon from the butchers at the Welwyn market
  •  Cottage pie - I made this last week instead of lasagne for myself and it was SO tasty I decided to repeat it.
My cottage pie complete with cheesy coating
  • Pizza and garlic bread, possibly with curly fries
  • Pigs in blankets with curly fries or home made chips depending on my mood
  • Mac n cheese
  • Chilli sin carne (no meat chilli) for hubby
  • Spinach and tomato quiche - made up in advance for all of hubby's lunches

This time I'm linked up to Mrs M, I promise!


  1. I must put a quiche onto next weeks MPM. havent made one in ages.

  2. Great meal plan!!
    Liking the sound of Pigs in blankets with curly fries...We only seem to have Pigs in blankets with Christmas

  3. I always see some lovely things to eat AFTER my meal plan! your week looks delicious x

  4. Sounds delicious! I always add cheese to my cottage/shepherds pies, makes them much tastier!
