Things have been a bit more difficult recently so we've had to do some belt tightening. Thankfully our children's centre has had a lovely summer programme of free play sessions which Bubbah has loved as it meant he's been able to squidge his hands in paint and smear it all over the paper, which was a new experience for him!
Belt tightening has meant I've made a few new found friends in charity shops and bargain shops (think home bargains, b&m bargains etc) resulting in me being super organised and having all of Bubbah's Christmas and birthday presents, as well as all of my nieces and nephew's Christmas presents, my nephew's birthday present and numerous friend/family Christmas presents sorted. My little present stash area is overflowing but I feel a lot less stressed knowing most of it is sorted.
It's been lovely thinking back to last summer and just how much Bubbah has changed. He's now walking, talking (loads) and making animal noises to his hearts content. He's also developed a kissy face which looks like he's sucking a lemon and that is what I'm greeted with every morning when he wakes up - any time from half 5 to half 7 - and I go in to his bedroom.
I've got myself more organised (for once) so I should be on here more often and plan to be joining in with Mrs M's meal planning Monday's once more. I've also got a few new recipes up my sleeve so keep your eyes peeled!
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