Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Meal Planning Monday; 28th October 2013

I'm aware this is Tuesday but for once I have a good excuse...storm Jude blew out our electricity from 7am to 2pm yesterday and hubby pinched my laptop to use for work when his laptop battery gave out. I wasn't too fussed but lack of power and the chest infection Bubbah and I seem to have now passed on made others in the house a bit more frustrated.

I took the opportunity of being free from electrical distractions (dvds, t.v., laptop, etc) to finally finish Bubbah's sock creature! He's yet to be named so it just referred to as the Sockasaurus but I'd love a proper name for him!
Wood walk
Last week's attempt at a meal plan (which I didn't put on here) sort of went out of the window with my chest infection rendering me incapable of doing much more other than opening the fridge/freezer and pulling out the first thing that came to hand. Thankfully a course of Amaxicillin later (I've got three tablets left and then I'm done) and a nice long walk in the nearby woods, and I'm feeling much better so I'm back with a proper meal plan.
  • Meat slices (minced beef and onion/chicken and mushroom) with wedges, Yorkshire puddings, stuffing and veg
  • Veg  soup for hubby on a fast day (Monday's was thrown out as he was feeling very sorry for himself) and fish, wedges and peas for me
  • Chicken casserole with butter dumplings
  • Lasagne with garlic bread
  • Tuna pasta/chicken and mushroom meat slice (as hubby hates tuna)
  • Pizza with the rest of the garlic bread from the lasagne
  • Toad in the hole with roasties, stuffing, Yorkshire puddings and veg

Chicken casserole and soup will be done in the slow cooker with extra portions ending up in the freezer to be used up on lazy days! I'm taking advantage of the next few days of sun/dryness to get the washing on the line as opposed to spending three days on our airer!

Ready for the mud!
 As usual I'm linked up to Mrs M's meal planning post so pop on over there to have a look at what everyone else is up to.

Friday, 25 October 2013

Times'a changing

So looking at my stats and I'm informed I haven't posted anything in two weeks...oops! My defence is that Bubbah came down  with a horrid cold which, at the end of last week, turned into a chest infection that promptly got passed on to me .

Thankfully after a course of amoxicillin (aka penicillin but that lovely banana flavoured medicine of many people's childhood) Bubbah is beginning to get back to his normal self and keeps presenting me with the contents of my CD collection to put on while he plays with his diminishing Play-Doh collection (to be remedied at Christmas) and I'm soldiering on with my more grown up course of amoxicillin film coated capsules and 9pm bedtimes.

Moving on though...how suddenly has autumn come on?! It was all lovely and sunny and suddenly there's rain and leaves practically throwing themselves off their branches - much to Bubbah's delight when we went on a wooded walk and ended up collecting several of these leaves, some holly, acorns and a lone clean feather to use for a "keep the semi-sick child occupied in a way poorly mummy can cope with" craft.

We've also been working our way through the Disney/Pixar films now Bubbah has reached the stage where he'll sort of sit still long enough to watch some, if not all, of a film. So far we've watched;

  • Beauty and the Beast (where he thought the wolves were dogs and pointed at them sagely informing me "woof" whenever they appeared)
  • Mary Poppins
  • Aristocats (wasn't too sure on this, I think the story focus at the beginning put him off)
  • Finding Nemo
  • Robin Hood
  • Lady and the Tramp (whereupon I was informed every time a dog came on screen which, funnily enough, is quite a lot)

Finally, and please allow me a moment of joy/pride at this, I have finished ALL my Christmas shopping! Everything! Presents, cards and wrapping paper have all been bought/pinched back from my mum's house where we left wrapping paper/gift bags/cards last year and stored in what I now refer to as "The Grotto" but is actually just the spare shelves in our bathroom...and the floor space in front of it...and the top of our bookshelf...okay so it may have expanded a bit which will probably cause me stress when it comes to the week/s beforehand and I'm trying to sort it all out but I don't have to worry for a good month and a half about any of it! I'm not normally so organised but as I knew we'd be on a pretty tight budget this year I started shopping in...oooh July/August time I think! Charity shops, online shopping and cheap/discount shops (think Home Bargains, B&M, etc.) have made up the bulk of my shopping as has a few cheeky discounts/offers in places like Tesco (such as their half price boxes of chocolates being snapped up ready for visiting various family members and a GIANT bar of Toblerone for my dad who loves the stuff).

I think my best buy was for Bubbah and it came from a charity shop (this is where we come back to the Play-Doh situation) in my mum's local town centre. For £8 I got a mega Play-Doh kit called mountain of colour which gives you 10 Play-Dohs (4 5 big, 5 small if I remember correctly) and loads of shape cutters. I googled it later and found I'd saved between £8 and £20 depending on where you shopped (it normally costs £30[!] but some places had it half price) and was practically in the same condition you'd get buying brand new!

So, has anyone else dared start their Christmas shopping yet or are you ignoring it for now? If you've started buying, what's been your best present so far? 

Monday, 7 October 2013

Recipe binder: sage stuffing

Years (nearly a whole two decades ago) I swore off onions. Even in stuffing. But I liked stuffing...I just didn't like the onions in it. So my lovely grandma who was already making the stuffing from scratch anyway would always make me my own little dish of stuffing sans onion. My grandma died a few years ago now and I never got the chance to get her recipes from her (she never wrote them down, simply remembering them) but after several attempts I finally managed to recreate it last weekend, allowing me to introduce hubby to the wonders of home made stuffing.

Image taken from BBC good food
What you need

  • 80g breadcrumbs (blitz a slice of bread on high/ice crush mode in a blender for a few seconds)
  • 1 egg
  • 3 or 4 tea spoons of sage (depending on taste)
  • Boiling water
What you do
  • Mix the sage, breadcrumbs and egg together
  • Add boiling water as you would boxed stuffing mix (like Paxo)
  • Cook for 30 minutes in a dish or roll into balls, place on a baking tray and cook for the same time on gas 6

Seasonal foodie goodies

Around this time of year you get a mixture of themed food stuffed onto every possible shelf space and there's always several things in particular I look out for...

I'm not big into Halloween for numerous reasons but something I am big into is good old Mr Kipling's Fondant Fancies. My brother and I always used to fight over the pink and yellow ones when we were little as they were our favourites. I love the Easter strawberry ones but these 'fiendish fancies' are a lovely little bundle of loveliness of their own!

 These seem to be popping up in place of popping candy elves (see further down on my list) and I haven't given them a try yet but I know I will and I know I'll love them because, how could you not love Freddo?

My ultimate Christmas treat I practically stalk along the Christmas aisle(s) hunting these beautiful sweets out. If you could these all year then I probably would get through a ridiculous amount of them!
Magical elves (with popping candy) seem to have disappeared this year (see Freddo popping candy) which is a shame as they were quite sweet and made a nice little stocking filler for my niece and nephew, especially as I could pick a particular elf for them.

What are your favourite seasonal goodies? Is there any food - sweet or otherwise - that you look out for at a certain time of year? Let me know in the comments below.

Meal Planning Monday; 7th October 2013

Goodness me, how is it October already? All the Halloween/Christmas bits are now out in full force. Not that I need them thanks to my Grotto (aka present haul in the bathroom using up the spare shelves) I'll probably stock up on some more wrapping paper and there are a few cards left for specific people (I'm looking out for extra special cards for hubby and Bubbah) but there's not so much pressure this year so I'm feeling quite relaxed about it all. All the better for casually selecting Christmas sweeties to have in the cupboard for when a sweet craving hits.

Christmas is here already!

Last week's meal plan went pretty well with few meals being swapped about/disregarded altogether. I ended up finding a peppercorn sauce in the reduced aisle so used that with my pork steaks with some simple wedges and veg. This week I decided we should use up some of the stocks we've been building up in the freezer to help make some space and save money at the same time.

This week we'll be having...

  • roast chicken and veg pies with mini Yorkshire puddings, home made stuffing (recipe to come), roasts and extra veg
  • Cheese and tomato tuna pasta bake with extra mushrooms/ ratatouille for hubby
  • Lamb casserole with dumplings (veg soup using the veg from this for hubby as he's not a fan of lamb)
  • Pizza - sausage and mushroom for me, veggie for hubby using a new cajun spice I found recently
  • Fish pie for me and veggie fingers with wedges for hubby
  • Slow cooker spag bol (recipe to come) with garlic bread
Let me know what you're planning this week in the comments below. If you're looking for inspiration yourself and none of these tickle your fancy head on over to Mrs M's meal planning linky to see what everyone else has planned.

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Recipe binder: butter dumplings

Now I will be honest, before yesterday I hadn't ever had dumplings before. However after seeing them on Jamie Oliver's show the other week I decided to give them a go when I made chicken casserole. And goodness me was it worth it! Making them with butter instead suet makes them a lot lighter. This recipe makes between 6-8 dumplings depending on how big you like them.


What you need
  • 115g self raising flour
  • 55g butter (cold)
  • Cold water
What you do
  • Rub flour and butter together until you have what looks like breadcrumbs
  • Add a small amount of cold water to form a stiffish dough
  • Roll into small balls
  • Boil in salted water or cook on the edge of a simmering casserole/soup for 10-12 minutes
  • Serve immediately