So looking at my stats and I'm informed I haven't posted anything in two weeks...oops! My defence is that Bubbah came down with a horrid cold which, at the end of last week, turned into a chest infection that promptly got passed on to me .
Thankfully after a course of amoxicillin (aka penicillin but that lovely banana flavoured medicine of many people's childhood) Bubbah is beginning to get back to his normal self and keeps presenting me with the contents of my CD collection to put on while he plays with his diminishing Play-Doh collection (to be remedied at Christmas) and I'm soldiering on with my more grown up course of amoxicillin film coated capsules and 9pm bedtimes.
Moving on suddenly has autumn come on?! It was all lovely and sunny and suddenly there's rain and leaves practically throwing themselves off their branches - much to Bubbah's delight when we went on a wooded walk and ended up collecting several of these leaves, some holly, acorns and a lone clean feather to use for a "keep the semi-sick child occupied in a way poorly mummy can cope with" craft.
We've also been working our way through the Disney/Pixar films now Bubbah has reached the stage where he'll sort of sit still long enough to watch some, if not all, of a film. So far we've watched;
- Beauty and the Beast (where he thought the wolves were dogs and pointed at them sagely informing me "woof" whenever they appeared)
- Mary Poppins
- Aristocats (wasn't too sure on this, I think the story focus at the beginning put him off)
- Finding Nemo
- Robin Hood
- Lady and the Tramp (whereupon I was informed every time a dog came on screen which, funnily enough, is quite a lot)
Finally, and please allow me a moment of joy/pride at this, I have finished ALL my Christmas shopping! Everything! Presents, cards and wrapping paper have all been bought/pinched back from my mum's house where we left wrapping paper/gift bags/cards last year and stored in what I now refer to as "The Grotto" but is actually just the spare shelves in our bathroom...and the floor space in front of it...and the top of our bookshelf...okay so it may have expanded a bit which will probably cause me stress when it comes to the week/s beforehand and I'm trying to sort it all out but I don't have to worry for a good month and a half about any of it! I'm not normally so organised but as I knew we'd be on a pretty tight budget this year I started shopping in...oooh July/August time I think! Charity shops, online shopping and cheap/discount shops (think Home Bargains, B&M, etc.) have made up the bulk of my shopping as has a few cheeky discounts/offers in places like Tesco (such as their half price boxes of chocolates being snapped up ready for visiting various family members and a GIANT bar of Toblerone for my dad who loves the stuff).
I think my best buy was for Bubbah and it came from a charity shop (this is where we come back to the Play-Doh situation) in my mum's local town centre. For £8 I got a mega Play-Doh kit called mountain of colour which gives you 10 Play-Dohs (4 5 big, 5 small if I remember correctly) and loads of shape cutters. I googled it later and found I'd saved between £8 and £20 depending on where you shopped (it normally costs £30[!] but some places had it half price) and was practically in the same condition you'd get buying brand new!
So, has anyone else dared start their Christmas shopping yet or are you ignoring it for now? If you've started buying, what's been your best present so far?