Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Meal Planning Monday; 28th October 2013

I'm aware this is Tuesday but for once I have a good excuse...storm Jude blew out our electricity from 7am to 2pm yesterday and hubby pinched my laptop to use for work when his laptop battery gave out. I wasn't too fussed but lack of power and the chest infection Bubbah and I seem to have now passed on made others in the house a bit more frustrated.

I took the opportunity of being free from electrical distractions (dvds, t.v., laptop, etc) to finally finish Bubbah's sock creature! He's yet to be named so it just referred to as the Sockasaurus but I'd love a proper name for him!
Wood walk
Last week's attempt at a meal plan (which I didn't put on here) sort of went out of the window with my chest infection rendering me incapable of doing much more other than opening the fridge/freezer and pulling out the first thing that came to hand. Thankfully a course of Amaxicillin later (I've got three tablets left and then I'm done) and a nice long walk in the nearby woods, and I'm feeling much better so I'm back with a proper meal plan.
  • Meat slices (minced beef and onion/chicken and mushroom) with wedges, Yorkshire puddings, stuffing and veg
  • Veg  soup for hubby on a fast day (Monday's was thrown out as he was feeling very sorry for himself) and fish, wedges and peas for me
  • Chicken casserole with butter dumplings
  • Lasagne with garlic bread
  • Tuna pasta/chicken and mushroom meat slice (as hubby hates tuna)
  • Pizza with the rest of the garlic bread from the lasagne
  • Toad in the hole with roasties, stuffing, Yorkshire puddings and veg

Chicken casserole and soup will be done in the slow cooker with extra portions ending up in the freezer to be used up on lazy days! I'm taking advantage of the next few days of sun/dryness to get the washing on the line as opposed to spending three days on our airer!

Ready for the mud!
 As usual I'm linked up to Mrs M's meal planning post so pop on over there to have a look at what everyone else is up to.

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