Saturday, 19 April 2014

What we did this fortnight

It's been a busy few weeks packed with quite a bit of activity and lovely things. We've taken advantage of sunny days, ebay, friends off work and unexpected extra family time to...

Get crafty; as the holidays loomed the term of Creation Station came to an end so Bubbah and I got crafty at home. We made dinosaur fridge magnets (courtesy of a birthday present) and did our hand prints, which somehow ended up with Bubbah having a massive smudge of paint on his foot!

Socialise; (l-r) playing with cousins during their Easter holiday break, Bubbah stealing my cake during a drinks and cake catch up with a friend who had a rare day off, driving Peppa Pig's car during a morning with nana (which again involved nice drinks and cake)

Chill out at home; (l-r) finally managed to track down a cheap Fireman Sam figure for Bubbah's engine (good old ebay), building a tower with his many, many (over 100) Megabloks, making calls to grandma with "oo ogs" (two dogs)

enjoy daddy being home; (l-r) being amazed by Babe, helping daddy wash grandad's car, Easter eggs, building (and destroying) a den


Let me take a selfie!

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