Monday, 18 June 2012

Meal Planning Monday; 18 June 2012

Back to Monday again! Last week's plan went pretty well, we've got rid of a fair amount of meals from the freezer even though there were a few days where we didn't have dinner in. Made a big fish pie and froze it in portions again this week, check me out being super organised!

This week will be pretty busy; I'm going to see my best friend have her dress fitted on Tuesday and potentially going to my dad's Wednesday for a belated father's day so I'm having one meal out this week, while OH has got to have separate meals as he goes out Wednesdays.

Managed to save a load of money doing the food shop this week but I'm not really sure how that happened when I indulged in a few special offers of things I wouldn't usually get, whoops!

Monday: I've got a basic cooking class where I think we're making something Greek so that for dinner or a meal out the freezer (pasta bake/risotto for him, fish pie for me)

Tuesday: I'll make a quiche in the day and leave it in the fridge for OH to have if he's hungry when he gets in and I'll have mine when I get in from the dress fitting. I'll do potato salad with this.

Wednesday: I'm out for dinner, and Piers will have mushroom soup from the stock in the freezer

Thursday: Cheesy mushroom pasta or macaroni cheese

Friday: Home made pizza with mushrooms, sausage (and pineapple for OH on his bit)

Saturday: Lazy dinner of vegetable patties for him and fish fingers for me, served with home made potato slices and some form of veg

OH will have salad for lunch with a mixture of the following as additional;

-Yoghurt covered fruit
-Toffee popcorn (recipe to come)

And that's another week! This will be linked up to At Home With Mrs M so feel free to pop over and have a nosy at the other meal plans as they go up.

1 comment:

  1. This is a delicious meal plan. Hope you have a lovely week :)
