Sunday, 18 November 2012

Meal Planning Monday; 19 November 2012

Hello everyone! Phew, it's been a bit quiet on here between these posts so I feel that these are all I write on here at the moment. This NaNo WriMo takes up pretty much all my spare time (read: time Bubbah spends asleep) but there are only 12 days left, eek! I've currently got 30,308 words so only 1,641 words a day to hit the target. Hurrah! I'm feeling pretty positive but it is very dependent on Bubbah sleeping!

This last week has been rather an exciting one because (whisper it now) we may be getting our very own flat! We currently live with my mum due to funds and houses/flats being ridiculously expensive and the waiting list for council property being about three years long or something insane like that. However we came across a little gem of a place at the beginning of last week and, everything crossed, we may be renting it. The estate agent is getting back to us this week with news as the landlord has been on holiday so it's been a bit of a weekend spent on tenterhooks! 

We also spent the weekend with my brother, sister in law, my niece (who is 4) and my nephew (who is 2). My poor nephew is poorly and has a horrid cough so he's been a bit subdued but still managed lots of cuddles and running around. My niece spent a rather large portion of Sunday lunch laughing and then telling me I was funny for no reason what so ever. Strange but cute. And hey, I'm happy to take the compliment!

Bubbah has been teething something awful this week so we've had a week of intermittent sleeping, crying and biting anything and anyone within reach (and I have the puncture marks to prove it). As such there hasn't been time for much else but I did want to share with you this rather funny/sweet picture of him from my nephew's birthday a fortnight ago...

He was rather enamoured with a toy hard hat my nephew got and was trying to model it for my mum when my nephew decided that, actually, he didn't want to share the hat any more and he wanted to wear it!

Last week's meal plan went very well. I managed to make gingerbread which we took with us on Friday when we had dinner at a friend's house where he made us burgers from Lorraine Pascall's cook book (so obviously pizza was scrapped, but the burgers were so good it was worth it) as I always like to take some sort of gift (normally baked goods as they're easy and always appreciated) if someone is cooking me dinner.

This week the slow cooker is back out in force as I shall be desperately writing/waiting about the flat/celebrating or mourning the flat and occupying Bubbah.

Our meals look a little bit like this:

  • Sausage casserole
  • Vegetable soup
  • Freezer meal
  • Pizza
  • Jacket or pasta bake for me when OH is fasting
  • Lazy meal of fish fingers, wedges and veg for me on OH's other fasting day

I really want to make cookies this week because I'm in the mood for something like that but we shall see if I can fit that in around everything else.

As always, I'm linked up to Mrs M so head on over to see what everyone else is cooking up.


  1. Fingers crossed everything works out with the flat!


  2. Lovely meals - hope you get your flat! x

  3. Definitely find time for cookies- yum!
    Fingers crossed for the flat x
