Monday, 26 November 2012

Meal Planning Monday, 26th November 2012

Phew what a horrid Monday it is! It's cold, it's rainy and poor old Bubbah is horribly ill. He came down with what we though was a case of teething gone bad last Monday but it quickly transpired this was nothing to do with teething (although he has had the top two middle teeth through, hurrah). He has a nasty nappy rash which is quite dried out and splits nearly every time he needs a nappy change, which is about 15+ at the moment. Safe to say he is not a happy Bubbah most of the time. Today heralds us going back to the doctors for more special cream to help the rash and find out what exactly is wrong because they said viral infection last week but I'm not happy because it's not getting better.

We also didn't get the flat (booo) because the landlord didn't want tenants with children. So that combined with some bad family news and poor old Bubbah the week has been rather a rubbish one.

Needless to say last week's meal plan was pretty much abandoned after Tuesday and home cooked meals went out of the window. I'm pretty sure we lived off food from the freezer topped up with pizza and chicken pops from our local Tesco. OH took a day off to help me out as I was running on empty come Thursday and managed to get Bubbah to fall asleep without too much struggle on the way to the shops (compared to me rocking him for two hours as that would be the only thing that would settle him. My back is in so much pain) allowing me to have a sleep catch up of my own.

Bubbah before the start of all things poorly

I'm a little more hopeful this week so I've tentatively put some more normal food plans back on the menu. The slow cooker is coming out (which makes things easier) again this week too for an old favourite.

So on the menu we have:

  • Sausage casserole
  • Fajitas
  • Jackets
  • Pizza
  • Lamb meatballs for me when OH is fasting
  • Vegetable pasties for me on OH's other fasting day.

And that's the plan! I'm linked up to Mrs M so pop on over there to see what everyone else is cooking up!


  1. Love the sound of the vegetable pasties. Do you have a recipe? Hope your little Bubbah is better soon.

    1. I'm afraid I don't (although I wish I did) as I picked these up from the reduced section of Sainsburys. BBC Good Food's website should have one though

  2. Sorry to hear you had a bad week last week, hope your LO is better soon. Your meal plan sounds lovely (and I know we often fall off the meal planning bandwagon and end up eating freezer meals!)
