Monday, 16 July 2012

Meal Planning Monday; 16 July 2012

Happy Monday every one! Weaning, week two has been a success, although bubba has taken to leaning to one side in his high chair...something that will hopefully be rectified as he gets bigger. Last week's meal plan went pretty well. I couldn't be bothered to make fish pie and had minted lamb instead of burgers/meatballs on spaghetti two nights in a row instead (so worth it though; minted lamb is the best). OH didn't have lasagne  and I didn't have a jacket either as we had pasta with pesto instead for a quick and lazy dinner.

This week incorporates a bit of last week's leftover meal plans, some old favourites and my personal new favourite henceforth known as lazy pasta...

Before we kick off with the plan though, here is a certain someone enjoying their food;

Messy but happy!
Alright, on with the plan:

Pasta with pesto (left over pesto from the other day)
PKU Lasagna
Rice with bbq sausages
Home made pizza

Lazy pasta
Either lasagne (if I can be bothered to make one) or simply minted lamb with rice/pasta/jacket
Fajitas (I'll be using some turkey fillets with mine as opposed to OH's veggie ones)
Rice with lamb koftas
Home made pizza

I'll also be scoffing crumpets/bagels/mac 'n' cheese for lunches while OH has salad, yoghurt and various fruit.

For those interested, as I received quite a few comments about him last week, I've decided to include bubba's meal plan as well;

Baby rice
Baby first yoghurt
Baby cereal
Baby porridge

I've got several fruit pots now so he usually has one of those after one of the above. I've also made the following purées myself so will be using some of them;

Sweet potato

I'm also hoping to make apple, apple and blueberry, pea and peach at some point in the week.

If I pop out we've got a chicken casserole purée pot and a chocolate and banana dessert which will be easier to have if I'm not home in time for lunch/tea. He's on three meals a day as of this week so it's going to be quite hectic making sure we have enough of everything prepared!

As usual, this will be linked to At Home With Mrs M so have a nose at what everyone else is cooking up.


  1. Lovely plans, must be hard having to do 2 separate lots. I do love home made pizza, so much better than take away ones.

  2. I love that photo! Delicious meals :)
