Friday, 27 July 2012

Recipe binder: lazy pasta

For the last few weeks now on my meal planning posts, I've mentioned what I've dubbed "lazy pasta" without actually expanding of what exactly it is. So here goes, possibly my quickest and laziest meal (hence the name) that I'm a little bit obsessed with...

What you need;

  • Pasta of your choice 
  • Philadelphia/cream cheese
  • Tomato ketchup

How you make it;
  • Cook pasta according to instructions
  • Add about three/four tablespoons of cream cheese
  • Add a good dollop of tomato ketchup
  • Mix

And dig in! To get an idea of how it tastes, think creamy carbonara. There are no exact measurements as I play around with how much I use depending on my mood. You can add extras as you wish, I've added bacon and mushrooms before but obviously that takes a bit more effort!

1 comment:

  1. I'm planning on making macaroni cheese for tomorrow's dinner, but I might give this a go instead - thanks for sharing!
