Monday, 9 July 2012

Meal Planning Monday; 9 July 2012

I'm back! OH had last week off so I was barely online as we had a lovely family week which also included the beginning of weaning (!) for our lovely bubba. Apparently he wants to skip the puréed stage and go straight to our food as he nearly dived onto my spaghetti on toast at lunchtime!

As such, meal planning was a bit less rigid. I had a basic idea of what we were having but OH had two days in London for PKU appointments so dinners were a bit more go with the flow than usual.

This week though, I'm back with a vengeance. Even bubba has a meal plan of sorts thanks to the numerous vouchers you get sent around the weaning stage. He's got cereal, porridge, Sunday lunch, cottage pie, rice and fruit pots all stacked up and waiting to be smushed all over his face and high chair...

Adorable, if somewhat sticky!
This week, we have lined up (for us, I'm still working up to making my own purée foods for Mr Messy)


  • Chilli sin carne
  • Ratatouille
  • Veggie crumble
  • PKU lasagne
  • Tomato, mushroom and sweetcorn pasta bake
  • Home made pizza with chips
  • Fish pie
  • Sausages, home made chips and spaghetti
  • Lamb burgers/meatballs with home made chips and spaghetti
  • Cheesy pasta and bacon with mushrooms
  • Home made pizza with chips
  • Jacket potato with Philadelphia and spaghetti
OH's lunches will be salad with a honey and mustard dressing. Mine will be some variation of bread muffins/bagels/jacket potato/extra fish pie/ extra cheesy pasta.

I've also squeezed in some baking and made some gingerbread (yummy!) and I'm hoping to make a cake later in the week as I appear to have bought too many eggs this week, whoops!

As usual, this will be linked up to At Home With Mrs M! and her meal planning Monday post so have a pop over there and see what everyone else is cooking up.


  1. Buying too many eggs was a wise plan ;) Cake is good!
    Lovely meals and your lil dude is a cutie! x

  2. Thanks :) I forgot I already had some as I didn't make a quiche last week! I might need to make one at some point to even things back out...or I'll just make more cake!

  3. Love the sound of all this :) Are you doing Baby Led Weaning with bubba? xx

    1. Thank you :) I'm not at the moment as he's 5 months (advised to wean early as he was always hungry and not sleeping properly) so he's not quite up to holding food yet; he's definitely worked out sticking his fingers in it though!

      When he's a bit bigger I'll be giving him bits to feed himself with so it will be kind of half baby led weaning and half not if that makes sense?x

  4. This all looks lovely - good luck with the weaning, it's a fun - if messy - stage!! We used BLW and it works really well but, as you say, only from 6 months or so when both ours could hold on to stuff!
